Somatic Coaching for teachers who want to
 feel energised and vitalised not depleted and exhausted.

This space is for teachers who feel exhausted and like they’ve lost themselves along the way. 

Being a teacher is no easy task and to do it successfully requires us to listen to ourselves first. Together you and I can work to relieve some of the stresses you face each day so that you feel like you have enough energy to do the things you love in life.

Perhaps like I did, you feel like your relationship with your loved ones is simply a functional one. You want to feel more fulfilled in life and want to be seen as more than: the cook, the cleaner, the diary-keeper, the taxi driver and the piggy bank. You want to feel love that is so expansive that your heart could burst with joy at just being around the people you live with but you’re too tired.

That’s where I come in.

By joining me on this path you will be able to:

  1. Have greater control of what happens in your life outside the school gates

  2. Feel a deeper connectedness to loved ones, friends and family

  3. Have a greater sense of self and be able to put your own needs first for a change